is a form of personal expression
works like jewelry to enhance appearance
and sometimes even improves the quality of life
What is a body piercing?
Piercing usually refers to the creation of holes in the body by the application of jewelry. Earlobe or nose piercings are the most common, but basically any natural fold or flap of skin can be pierced.
Why get a piercing?
Historically, people like to decorate and change their appearance to 'look better', to follow a trend or to stand out from the crowd; some do it through their clothes, some like to dye their hair, some get tattoos...and some like piercings.
In any case, piercings may not only improve your appearance, but also your self-confidence and therefore your quality of life.
Some people do it to compensate for specific deficiencies (women with inverted nipples could cure them with nipple piercings; some people with genital piercings have reported an improvement in their sex life..).
And anvil, some people just like the feeling of having a metal needle penetrate their body.
Who gets piercings?
You might think, huh?he who has a piercing must be young, a rebel, a metalhead... but the reality is that anyone can come to piercings for many different reasons.
Many piercings can be hidden, so don't be surprised if your trusted "banker in a tie" or your "smiling grandma next door" wears hidden jewelry :)))
Unfortunately, we are still not keeping up with the times...
Some piercings are still not well accepted by society :(
therefore, you should think carefully and ask yourself: "Will this cause me a problem at my workplace?" "Is this a piercing that I can hide if necessary?"
Piercing aftercare
This simple recommendations apply to all types of piercings during the healing period - simply keep it clean and dry and do not touch the piercing outside of cleaning it.
Healing time it can be from 2 to 12 months or longer, depending on the type of piercing and personal factors (total immune system, stress, lifestyle...)
Keeping your piercing clean doesn't mean cleaning it as often as possible, but avoiding the piercing's contact with microbes as much as possible.
During healing, you will have crusts at the piercing site: this is normal: they are made up of blood and lymph fluid and are your body's healthy response to the piercing. Never remove crusts while they are dry.
The only product to remove these crusts is sterile saline or clean water / rinse the piercing and surrounding area 2 times a day after washing your hands thoroughly. When showering, carefully rinse off any remaining cleaning solutions.
After cleaning, carefully dry and keep the piercing area dry / bacteria like moist places / Of course, always use clean towels or paper towels.
In addition, try not to touch the piercing, even if it feels stuck due to crusting: it can increase the risk of infection. Allow the crusts to fall off on their own or gently remove them during the cleaning steps described above.
Don't sleep on your fresh piercing and (especially with ear and face piercings) be careful with items like headphones and glasses: not only because of bacteria, but they can also change the angle of the piercing, making it more difficult or dangerous to heal.
Avoid going to the pool, sea or sauna until the piercing is completely healed. Alternatively, you can cover the piercing with a waterproof bandage.
What else is normal?
minor bleeding, localized swelling, tenderness or bruising.
During healing:
some discoloration, itching, secretion of a whitish-yellow liquid (not pus) that forms a crust on the jewelry.
During and after recovery:
If you don't include piercing cleaning as part of your hygiene routine, normal but smelly body secretions can build up.
Up and down phases are normal during healing:
be patient and follow the recommendations at all times.
Even healed piercings can shrink or close in minutes after being there for years! This varies from person to person; if you like the piercing, you must keep the jewelry inside the piercing - do not take it out for a long time.
Another piece of information you probably don't want to hear... there are about 25% of people whose piercings unfortunately heal poorly even with the best care and another 25% of people whose piercings are regularly expelled from their bodies... so hope you are one of those the remaining 50% :)
See a doctor if:
You have severe redness, swelling or pain from the piercing
You have a lot of discharge that is thick, green, yellow or gray and has a bad smell
You have symptoms that last a week or are getting worse
You have fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, dizziness or disorientation